End Times Prophecy

Judging Planet Earth

Published: July 28, 2015 (Originally published: July 29, 2015)

Commentary by Jack Kelley

The combination of the Rapture and the Battle of Ezekiel 38 will fill the world with anguish and uncertainty as Daniel’s 70th Week begins. Where did all those people go? How did Israel so utterly destroy that massive invasion force all by itself?

The 144,000 of Rev 7 and 14

Published: June 25, 2015 (Originally published: June 24, 2015)
... Same or different?

The Slow Motion Fulfillment Of Isaiah 17

Published: June 6, 2015 (Originally published: June 6, 2015)

Commentary by Jack Kelley

See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins. The cities of Aroer will be deserted and left to flocks, which will lie down, with no one to make them afraid” (Isaiah 17:1-2).

The Ascendancy Of Evil

Published: May 14, 2015 (Originally published: May 9, 2015)

Commentary by Jack Kelley

For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way (2 Thes 2:7).

The number of emails I receive from people who are discouraged,

The Outer Darkness

Published: May 3, 2015 (Originally published: May 2, 2015)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

I’ve received several questions lately asking for clarification of the term “Outer Darkness”  so here’s an updated and expanded version of a study I did on the subject several years ago.  The outer darkness is mentioned a total of 4 times in the New Testament,

Kings Of The North And South Update

Published: April 26, 2015 (Originally published: April 25, 2015)

Commentary by Jack Kelley

Over the past five years or so I have written several times about the middle eastern kings of Daniel 11 known as the kings of the north and the south. In these studies I’ve shown how these two kings will become prominent again in the end times as the Shiites (king of the north) and the Sunnis (king of the south) vie for supremacy in the Islamic movement.

Rapture References, Part 3 … Conclusion

Published: May 22, 2015 (Originally published: April 1, 2015)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

This is the final installment of our three part series on rapture references in the Bible. We concluded part two with Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians. Written about 20 years after the cross, they were the first definitive teaching on the rapture given on Earth,

Rapture References, Part 2

Published: March 25, 2015 (Originally published: March 25, 2015)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

In part one of this series we explored some of the clearest hints from the Old Testament that the Lord has always intended to rapture the Church before the End Times judgments begin. This time we’ll continue with a two part survey of the New Testament.

What Does The Bible Say About Israel’s Future?

Published: April 18, 2015 (Originally published: March 21, 2015)

Commentary by Jack Kelley

Contrary to all the polls and predictions Benyamin Netanyahu and his Likud party have won another election. Some Israeli observers are calling this a landmark victory, because it came in spite of (or maybe as a reaction to) unprecedented external meddling in the country’s election process.

What Does The Bible Say? Tribulation And Wrath

Published: March 8, 2015 (Originally published: March 7, 2015)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

Recently I was reading a new book on Revelation by an author who subscribes to the pre-wrath rapture position. I don’t recommend this or any other mid-trib, pre-wrath, or post-trib book. I only read them myself because my belief in the pre-trib position is solid enough to not be shaken,