Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.
Hebr. 11:1-2
Is It Them Or Is It Me?
I was wondering whether you could shed some light on something for me. Although I know that we all sin many times and it is the grace of God that is our only hope, I have become concerned lately by the lives of Christians in my church. There is a tremendous amount of gossip and backbiting. People have parties where the wine flows freely, and although the Lord has no objection to people drinking, I feel that being drunk and telling ‘suggestive’ and rude jokes is dishonoring his name. I was under the impression that our changed lives should be our greatest witness. These people work hard for the Lord, doing many good works throughout the church, so why do I feel so uneasy about their behavior? Am I becoming judgmental and legalistic?
Why Do We Need Bodies?
When we die my understanding is that our spirit, free from our earthly body, goes straight to heaven. Why is it necessary later on , at the rapture , to receive resurrection bodies. (dead in Christ will rise first) There are deceased people that have been in heaven now for many years without resurrection bodies and when the rapture happens they will all of a sudden receive a resurrection body. Do you have any idea why God is waiting until the rapture to give us a resurrection body and not straight away when we die .
From my human thinking it doesn’t make much sense but I do know that God sees the bigger picture and he must have a good reason for it.
Authority Over Demons
In Luke 10: 17-20, the seventy return with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your Name.”
Jesus replies, “Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather, rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”
Why are they not to rejoice in their authority over demons in Jesus’ name?