Unsaved Family And Friends


I have family members and beloved friends who aren’t saved yet. I can’t stop thinking of the possibility that maybe they will remain unsaved and face this horrific eternity. This very real possibility is an unbearable thought to me. I know how very important it is to pray for them,and share the “good news”, but in the end it’s up to them. No matter how much I talk to them or pray for them, I can’t force the good outcome, can I? Even God can’t force them to make the right choice concerning their eternity. How can a believer handle this issue the right way?


I believe you are correct in your understanding of the destiny awaiting the unsaved. You are also correct in believing that after sharing the Gospel with your family and friends the most important thing to do is pray. But by how you live, you can also show the benefits of being a Christian here and now. Perhaps your example will influence them. But after all of that, if they still choose to reject God, that is their right.

In 1 Cor. 13:9-12 Paul wrote that while we’re here, the best we can hope for is an imperfect understanding of things. But after the rapture we will have a complete understanding of everything. To me this means we will be at peace concerning the choices of others, because we will understand them as God understands them.

We also know that He wouldn’t send us into eternity with hearts full of sadness and regret. In Rev. 21:4 He said, “There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has passed away.”