A Beginner’s Bible Study


I was so thrilled that my roommate came to church with me on Easter Sunday. She isn’t walking with the Lord, although she calls herself a Christian. Afterward she expressed to me that something is missing in her life and that she feels broken.

She had some bad church experiences and Bible study experiences in the past. Even so, I thought it might be a neat idea to do a Bible study with her. It might be a good bonding thing for us, and she would feel more comfortable studying the Word with just me, and I know we would both learn. Do you know of a good study for a baby believer we could do together?


I always recommend starting with the Gospel of John. It was written for the Church. Get a good study Bible with notes about the verses. Then start reading the verses and discussing the notes with each other. Staying focused on the text and notes will help you avoid dredging up any unpleasant memories from her past and let her see that studying the Bible together can be a positive and rewarding experience. Peter called this “growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ(2 Peter 3:18).