Adultery And Divorce


What are the Biblical grounds for Divorce? If a man or woman says, “I have been married 5 years and I am tired of constantly giving and receiving nothing in return. I want a Divorce.” Biblically, I understand this as illegal grounds to Divorce. If Scripture is very narrow on why people can Divorce, then is it possible that we as a Culture have weakened the whole concept of Marriage to begin with?

In my human mind I hear complaints that sound pretty legit, but from Gods Perspective seem to fall short as actually being able to Divorce someone. Maybe most of us in America should not even marry if we are just going to trade our Spouse in a few years later. I Need Scriptural help on this subject. My Grandmother told me that back in the 1920’s that if a couple divorced, most neighbors would not even speak to such people. Somehow, something has gotten watered down. Thanks, I love this Website!


The Bible gives only one justifiable reason for divorce and that’s adultery. (Matt. 5:31-32) And yes I believe that we as a society have weakened the concept of marriage, just as we have with many other institutions. In previous generations a divorcing couple created a scandal. Growing up I don’t remember any of my friends being from homes broken up by divorce. Today it’s hard to find a family that hasn’t experienced it. Half of all marriages, whether Christian or not, end in divorce.

But God’s grace abounds, and although Christians who divorce often cause great negative consequences for themselves and their families, their sins are not unforgivable. They’re no different from the thief or the ill-tempered, the envious or the proud. And certainly no different from those who self-righteously condemn them.

It’s been said that the Christian Army is the only one that goes through the field after the battle bayoneting its own wounded. Many are quick to quote Paul’s admonition to the Corinthians to kick an adulterous member out of the fellowship (1 Cor. 5:1-5) But how many know or even care that he later advised them just as strongly that since the man had acknowledged his sin, to re-admit him lest the devil win after all? (2 Cor. 2:5-11)

Please don’t read this as justification for the sins of adultery or divorce, but simply as a reminder that Jesus didn’t condemn the woman caught in adultery, but only admonished her not to do it again.(John 8:11) If he could forgive her, shouldn’t we?