Amos 3:7 And The Rapture


In a recent answer you quoted Amos 3:7, “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” The question that came to mind is- does the principle in Amos 3:7 apply to warnings from the Lord, by means of his servants, that the rapture is very near or am I taking this verse out of context? Thank you for taking so much time to answer our questions.


The phrase “His servants, the prophets” refers to those the Lord appointed to speak on His behalf. What they have told us is there is a rapture of the Church and it will precede the End Times judgments (Isaiah 26:20, 1 Thes. 1:10, Rev. 3:10). Since no specific time is given for the rapture except as it relates to these judgments, it’s left for us to interpret the signs the prophets gave us to determine the nearness of the judgments, knowing the rapture will precede them.