I Knew You’d Come Back!


I have a question about this verse: “And now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He is revealed, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him in His coming” (1 John 2:28).

So it is possible then that there will be Christian believers who at the rapture when they see Jesus they could be ashamed of something in their life? For instance, what if at the moment someone is raptured they were involved somehow in some sort of sin. Would we feel shame inside as soon as we see Jesus?


Since we won’t know the timing of the rapture in advance, I think a great many of us will be involved in something at least a little embarrassing when the moment comes. But remember, He only comes part way to Earth and then we go up to meet Him. I guarantee you, all thoughts of what we were doing will vanish from our minds when we realize what’s happening to us.

I think the context of the verse is more one of faithfulness, so that when He appears our initial reaction will be to say, “I knew you would come back” in stead of being ashamed to discover that He really meant it and we didn’t believe Him.