More On Spiritual Gifts


Regarding Gifts of the Holy Spirit, I’m still waiting. Having never had an epiphany, of course, I’m at a loss as to the starting place of when to expect my Gift. But, to the best of my knowledge, I’ve never received one unless I am too dense to recognize it. So, how does one know and recognize his Gift? I have read many questions similar to or identical with mine from people who, like I, have lived their whole life and never recognized a hint of a Gift.


1 Cor. 12:7-11 lists 9 Spiritual gifts and says the Holy Spirit distributes them to each believer just as He determines. Every born again believer should study this passage and learn what it means because each of us has been given at least one of the Spiritual Gifts that are listed there.

I think there are several reasons why don’t people know what their gift is and how to use it. First, most Christians are never taught about this and so don’t even know they have at least one. Second, of those who are taught, most are taught incorrectly and give up trying to find theirs. And third, among the few who are taught correctly, most never yield their lives to the extent necessary for their gift to flourish. In other words they live life in their own strength, depending on their natural capabilities rather than acting in the strength of the Lord depending on the supernatural capabilities He gave them.

Paul wrote that once we were born again it was like we were purchased by God and our lives were no longer ours to do with as we please. (1 Cor. 6:20). And Jesus said without Him we can’t live fruitful lives (John 15:4). Both these passages are meant for believers, but most of us have never received any meaningful coaching regarding this. The emphasis has always been on getting us saved as if that was all there is to the Christian life.

The solution can be found in Romans 12:1-2. We’re supposed to yield our lives to the Lord and let Him transform us. In that way we can learn what His will for us is and how He has equipped us to accomplish it. Everything the New Testament contains concerning the victorious Christian life not only supports this approach but also promises a much more satisfying and fulfilling life than we could ever create on our own for following it.