On Spiritual Warfare


I have a question concerning what is meant by the phrase “spiritual warfare” ? Are the angels still loyal to God engaged in actual combat with the ones who fell with Satan? I understand that the important thing in being a Christian is following the teaching of Christ, but when I read about things such as this I can’t help but be curious.

Thanks for your time and your website! It continues to be a great tool in my Bible studies.

God bless.


It’s not just angels who are involved in Spiritual Warfare. In Ephesians 6:10-20 Paul warns that the bulk of our struggle as believers is at least initiated by spiritual beings called demons. Their best work is often done through humans, especially other believers, who because they have unrecognized and therefore unconfessed sin in their lives are fair game for the enemy’s use.

And if we also have unrecognized and unconfessed sin in our lives we’re legitimate targets for their shenanigans. The importance of following Paul’s teaching there can not be overstated, especially if you’re trying to make a difference in this world by accepting the Lord’s call on your life. And to that I would add a daily recitation of Psalm 19, in specific his prayer in verses 12 and 13.

Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.

Believers also participate in Spiritual Warfare when we’re called to offer intercessory prayers in support of Kingdom Work, like praying for missionaries or an outreach project, etc. Our prayers in those circumstances strengthen the angelic warriors fighting to protect and defend the workers involved against enemy attacks.