Ordained For Eternal Life


Please can you explain the word “ordained” (Modern King James Version) in Acts 13:48. “And hearing, the nations rejoiced and glorified the Word of the Lord. And as many as were ordained to eternal life believed.” Does it mean those ‘chosen’ for eternal life?


The Greek word translated ordained in Acts 13:48 means to appoint or arrange or assign, as in assigning a place, either on one’s own authority or by mutual agreement.

In Romans 8:29 we’re told that those God foreknew, He predestined, called, justified, and glorified. The process begins with God’s foreknowledge. Knowing the end from the beginning, God knew before He created Adam all those who were going to choose Him during their lifetimes to be their Savior. At that time he assigned them a place in His kingdom. They were now ordained (appointed) to eternal life. When the time comes for them to choose, He calls them and they come by mutual agreement as was the case for those in Acts 13:48. Did they make their own choice? Yes. Did He always know they would? Yes.