Seven Year Tribulation?


I enjoy your site so much! I have a question about the 7 year treaty with the anti-christ. Where in scripture does it say it will be a “peace” treaty for 7 years? The New European Neighborhood Policy is a 7 year treaty with a mid term review and some people think this could be the treaty we’ve been waiting for & that we have entered the 7 year tribulation as of January 1st of this year. What are your thoughts on this? Also they say that the Great Tribulation is the last half of the 7 years & that we are only promised to be “kept” from that hour. ( The last half not the first half) What are your thoughts on that too? Thank you!


The notion of a peace treaty comes from several places. Daniel 8:25 says that the anti-Christ will deceive many by means of peace, and in Daniel 9:27 we learn that his covenant with Israel permits the Temple construction. That would require peace with the Moslems. Rev. 6:2 shows him as a man on a white horse, symbolizing peace, and 1 Thes. 5:3 says that while people are saying peace and safety, destruction will come upon them suddenly.

The ENP doesn’t mention a Temple, and the world has not begun a period of peace instituted by an acknowledged world leader. The war in Iraq rages on, the US is planning a possible action against Iran, and Israel will likely be at war with several of its neighbors this summer. And in fact there is no mention of a 7 year tribulation in the Bible.

The so called 7 year tribulation period is called Daniel’s 70th week in the Bible, the last half of which is the Great Tribulation. But I believe that Romans 11:25 and Acts 15:13-18 teach that the Church has to be gone before Daniel’s 70th week can begin.