The Law Of Redemption


I have been reading your series on a study of Revelation. In your commentary on chapter 5, you state “God’s law requires that a next of kin redeem that which a family member has lost.” Where in scripture is this stated as God’s law? I ask because what you have presented fills many gaps for me. I just want to be able to back that up with scripture since it is the foundation of the point you present.


The law of redemption is detailed primarily in Leviticus 25 and covers both the loss of property and the loss of freedom. Adam suffered both these losses when he sinned and from that time forward all of his progeny were held captive to sin by the one who had stolen their kingdom, awaiting the Kinsman Redeemer.

A Kinsman Redeemer had to meet several requirements. First, he had to be qualified. That means he had to be a next of kin or close relative. Next he had to be able, in other words have the means to pay the price. And third he had to be willing. Although it would be a public disgrace to do so, he could refuse.

In Jesus God became a man in order to qualify Himself to redeem us. He lived a sinless life because the coin of redemption was the blood of a sinless man. And he was willing to give His life for us because He loves us.

The idea that God could become a man and live a sinless life shouldn’t surprise us. He is God after all. But the fact that He would choose to sacrifice that perfect life just so we could escape the punishment due us when there’s nothing we can give in return should drive us to our knees in wonder.