The Two Witnesses. Follow Up


In your bible study The Two Witnesses of Revelation you make your case for Moses and Elijah as being those two. In doing so you posit that Hebrews 9:27 is a principle, not a rule. While you explain that several bible characters died more than once, ALL ultimately died except Enoch and Elijah. If Moses and Elijah return as the two witnesses, how do you account for Enoch? The Garden sin brought the penalty of death to all, no exceptions. So, I respectfully posit that, since the two witnesses will (and, must) be killed during the tribulation, they have to be Enoch and Elijah. I look forward to your response.


Somewhere in the past, some Christian teachers got sidetracked by the idea that the two witnesses had to be men who had never died, instead of focusing on their more important characteristics which are their influence on Israel and the signs they perform to verify their identity. Consider these characteristics alone, and you’ll conclude that Moses and Elijah are the ideal candidates. After all they personify the Law and the Prophets, a Jewish euphemism for the Old Testament.

Then consider the fact that Jesus clearly said that John the Baptist was the Elijah who was to come (Matt. 17:12). John was publicly and unmistakably executed. By your logic, wouldn’t that disqualify Elijah as one of the witnesses?

Finally, the fact that Enoch didn’t die is not sufficient justification to make him one of the two witnesses. His “rapture” could be an indication that he’s a model of the church, taken alive into Heaven in advance of a world wide judgment, and could have nothing to do with Israel in the end times.