Unwalled Villages In Gaza?


Greetings and God’s blessings upon you.

Hundreds of thousands have crossed the downed Gaza Wall into Egypt as the border walls were bombed. My first thought was the walled villages are gone, and is that not part of the end time prophecy?

I too long for the Lord’s return. My heart is saddened everyday when I see the enormous sadness, pain and suffering in our world. One could easily write pages of all the greed around us and the horrors that greed continues to cause.

Watching the fighting the other evening during the democratic debate, one can see there is no hope for a better government. If this is the best the American people have to choose from to lead our country, the time is ripe for the Antichrist.


The prophecy about unwalled villages is from Ezekiel 38:11 and describes Israel living in a perceived state of peace with the surrounding nations preceding the attack of the Moslem coalition. The Gaza / Egypt border breach is a different matter, and is a temporary condition.