What Kind Of Work Will God Give Me?


You have said that in fulfilling His promise to meet all our needs (Matt. 6:31-33), God will usually provide opportunities for us to meet them through the work we do, instead of meeting them directly. But what can we expect concerning this work? Should it be evident that He provides us a job that is both fulfilling and doesn’t hinder our relationship with Him? When I say fulfilling work I mean a job that isn’t emotionally or other ways draining, that isn’t stressful and isn’t modern time slave work. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to work but perilous times or not I don’t want to live like a stress filled modern time slave.


Like everything else, this is an issue of faith. The Bible says a person who won’t work shouldn’t eat (2 Thes. 3:10). To me that means if you need a job to meet your food and shelter needs, and one that will meet those needs is offered to you, and you can do it, you should thank the Lord and take the job. The Lord, seeing your faithfulness, will either make that job pleasant for you or promote you into a more fulfilling one. But remember this, menial jobs leave you with more time for God, and He died to free you from slavery, not turn you into one. And who knows, maybe He will lead you to a particular job because someone who works there needs to hear the gospel.

Paul said, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:23-24). Any job can be fulfilling if you see it as a gift from God, and perform it as if you’re doing it for Him. So it’s the attitude you have toward the job, not the job itself, that matters.