Why Was She Born?


My day is incomplete without paying a visit in your site. Thank you very much for the insight that you give us regarding the word of God. I have a friend who was born after her mother was raped. She doesn’t know her father. I strongly believe that God is all knowing and people come from God and he even knew how we would be born. But I want to know in the case of this friend of mine if was it God’s plan that she was born out of rape? If not, then why did God allow her to be born in such a situation?


God is all knowing, and He knew how your friend was going to come into the world. But that does not make Him responsible. Nor does it mean it was God’s plan for her to be born under these circumstances. One of that hardest jobs I have is convincing people that God is not the cause of the bad things that happen in this world. He didn’t create it this way, and in fact, since the fall of man the whole world has been under the control of the evil one (2 Cor. 4:4, 1 John 5:19). The bad things that happen are Satan’s fault because he’s the one who brought sin into the world.

God gave the life of His Son to reverse the effects of sin, and in the fullness of time will restore His creation to its original condition. In the mean time your friend was born into this sinful world under terrible circumstances. But because she was, she now has the opportunity to become a child of God (John 1:12-13) and spend an eternity filled with blessing in His presence. Had she not been born, she would not have this opportunity.

Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33)