You Can’t Serve Two Masters


What does the following verse mean? “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” If you love the Lord with all your heart and He gives you more money than you know what to do with does this mean He is testing your faith? Then if you loose it all, and want it back again, does this mean you have left your first love? Have you lost your salvation?


This quote from Matt. 6:24 came at the end of the Lord’s teaching on using our resources to store up treasure in heaven rather than trying to build a fortune on Earth. The key word is master. If money becomes your master your primary goal will be to accumulate more money. But if the Lord becomes your master, your primary goal will be to use the money you have as a tool for serving Him. With one your motive is greed and with the other your motive is gratitude. The two are mutually opposed.

If the Lord blesses a believer with wealth, the responses He’s looking for are gratitude and generosity (Luke 6:38). These two will combine to keep the flow of wealth constant (2 Cor. 9:11). If the flow stops, it may be due to the absence of these responses. Wealth is not a gift to be squandered, it’s a trust to be administered. That said, no true believer can lose his or her salvation for any reason. It’s guaranteed from the moment we believe (Ephesians 1:13-14)