Should I Marry Him?
Published: January 21, 2025I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for almost 6 years now, and I’m still not sure if he’s a believer. Is it a sin to continue a relationship with him and even marrying him if he still ends up being a non-believer? I’m very concerned for him. If I stay on with him, I really hope another few years down the road, I’ll see changes in his belief because I would like to build a family with a husband and a father who goes to church with me and my children.
But my family doubts he’ll change since we’ve been dating for 6 years already. But I believe nothing is impossible with God as I know it takes great faith for it to happen. To stay positive, I view it as a time of testing and trial from God. Having said that,I’m still rather confused and don’t know what else to do next. Will other Christians view it as a sin? Will my parents be upset? Will God be angry and punish me?
The Gospels Of Peter And Judas
Published: January 21, 2025I was watching a program on the Discovery Channel, where they were saying that a lost book of Peter had been found, also the book of Judas. It does seem like there should have been a book of Peter in the Bible does it not, since Jesus said upon this rock I will build my church. Yet no one knows what Peter had to say. Have you read this book of Peter? If so what do you think? What about the book of Judas?
I enjoy your site every day, and I know you have a great love and knowledge of God and his word. My granddaughter was watching this program with me and asked if we had the whole Bible and was our Bible right? I told her God had made sure we had all the information we needed to be saved. The one and major knowledge that Jesus was the son of God sent by god to die for our sins on the cross and that he rose from the dead and went to heaven to be with the father. Was I right?
Reviving the Romans Or The Greeks?
Published: January 21, 2025I have a question concerning Daniel 8:19-25. It speaks of Alexander the Greats’ horn being broken and four that stand up for it and four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation. These I understand as Ptolemy, Cassander, Seleucus, and Lysimachus. But in verse 23 it says “And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.” It seems the “Latter time of their kingdom” would be the time period of the last days that we now live in, or pretty close to it. Do you think there could also be some kind of revival of these four kingdoms in the last days?
I know most everybody believes in a revived Roman Empire because of the the statue of the legs of iron, but I wonder if the ten toes has anything to do with a revived Roman Empire or maybe a revived Grecian Empire of sorts. Whoever the Abomination of desolation is I think he will come on the scene as fast and furious as Alexander did. What’s your take on all this?
The Authority To Forgive
Published: January 20, 2025Luke 7: 36-50 tells of a Pharisee who invited Jesus to dinner. A woman known as a sinner came and washed his feet with her tears and hair. Jesus saw how sincere and humble she was before Him. This was before the cross but Jesus said that all of her sins were forgiven and that she was now saved. Wasn’t she still under the law until the cross?
A Broken Marriage
Published: January 20, 2025My wife and I have been married for 24 years. As ‘fully committed’ Christians we both tried to maintain our walk with God and I’d often pray and ask God to help me ‘change into the ‘right’ sort of husband that my wife wanted. However we both have a ‘lot of baggage’, etc and basically have found living together quite difficult. Now my wife feels that I don’t love her and never did, which is incorrect as I do love her but just find her difficult to live with. She recently told me that I was now in ‘sin’ and out of God’s grace as I wasn’t ‘loving my wife as Christ loves the church”.
Technically she’s correct I guess but I did tell her that I’m just a ‘fallible man’ whereas Christ is perfect., but as she’s’ the one who’s pulling away from me I ‘hope’ that I’m still in God’s grace. I know that all of my sins have been paid for at the cross and God now sees me as ‘righteous’. I’d appreciate your thoughts on this.
Is It Our Choice Or God’s
Published: January 20, 2025I recently read Romans 9 NLT. The part I am struggling with is “Gods prerogative”. The explanation is given in Romans 9:21. However, a clay pot does not have a soul, feelings or emotion. It does not care what it is. There is a big difference. God can obviously do what He wants, but it seems that it would interfere with his “LOVE and GRACE for EVERYONE”.
If God selects the people He wants to accept Him and selects the people He wants to reject Him before they ever exist then the ones who reject HIM are sent to hell for eternity is definitely not fair. Then we are told how we dare argue with God to even ask such a question. If God wants his people to “CHOOSE” to Love Him, He cannot force them by election. Also, the whole concept of spreading the Gospel is pointless other than being obedient. I sometimes feel as though I am one of those people God chose to send to destruction.
So is salvation “possible” for everyone or only the “elect”?
Paul’s Authority
Published: January 17, 2025Re: 2 Corinthians 13:1-10. I hope all is well and could you please explain what Paul meant by “I will not spare them– since you seek proof that Christ is speaking in me.”…. and…. “that when I come I may not have to be severe in my use of the authority that the Lord has given me for building up and not for tearing down.”
What exactly was Paul able to do in his authority? And do we also have this authority in Christ as Paul did? And how severe could he be with this authority? I realize that in part it has to do with the people sinning, but it appears that Paul has reached the boiling point of “no more grace for you, now it’s the power of God time”. This passage for some odd reason reminds me of Clark Kent turning into Superman!
Is Unequally Yoked Only For Marriage?
Published: January 17, 2025Does unequally yoked in the bible pertain to only marriage? Could or does unequally yoked also pertain to a business partnership of a believer and an unbeliever?
Am I In A Seeker Friendly Church?
Published: January 17, 2025I have a question concerning the seeker/friendly church. The church I attend is very seeker/friendly I think. For example their are no crosses put in the church or at least where they may be a “distraction” because “we want to be sensitive to new people who are coming in for the first time.” The open study of end times is considered a distraction from the mission of the church and is not considered a priority.
Also lately I have considered giving my tithe to another ministry, one where it is being used to truely push the Kingdom forward in serious ways. It seems that the churches tithes are going toward paying off a building that was filled with expensive stuff. What do you think?
Authority Over Demons
Published: January 16, 2025In Luke 10: 17-20, the seventy return with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your Name.”
Jesus replies, “Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather, rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”
Why are they not to rejoice in their authority over demons in Jesus’ name?