Ask a Bible Teacher

How Does God Decide Which Prayers To Answer?

Published: February 21, 2025

How does God decide which prayers to answer? I’m sure lots of them run against one another. For example, let’s say there’s a 50% chance of rain in the forecast for the weekend. A local farmer sees this and prays desperately for rain. It’s been hot all summer long and his crops are wilting. If he doesn’t get this downpour, the harvest will be a failure and he’ll have to sell his farm, which is his only livelihood.

At the same time, a local family sees the forecast and gets worried. They have finally managed to organize a long-overdue reunion, including relatives they probably won’t see again due to age and health issues. This family prays desperately that the rain will hold off so the reunion will take place. I’m sure opposing prayers take place all the time. How does God choose which ones to grant?

The “Not Good” Day Of Creation

Published: February 21, 2025

I’ve been surfing your site, and have been reading questions and answers concerning creation, gap theory, the garden. When God created the atmosphere on the 2nd day, he does not state anywhere “that it was good”. The other 5 creation days are declared good. Would you share your views on this?

Why Did Paul Circumcise Timothy?

Published: February 21, 2025

I have a question about when Paul circumcises Timothy in Acts 16:3 because of the Jews. Just before that there was a big deal made about not requiring the Gentile believers to follow the law and they even held a committee on it. Several leaders in the faith sent the decision out to Antioch and it was decided that the Gentiles were not required to be circumcised. Paul was a part of this group. Right after that Paul circumcises Timothy whose father was greek. Why on earth would he do such an about face?

If I Kill Myself Will God Let Me Be With Him?

Published: February 20, 2025

I believe in Jesus. I’m tired of losing this spiritual battle. My addiction is ruining my relation ship with God. If I kill my self will he still let me be with him? I love him so much but I hate this body. There’s so much darkness surrounding me.

Mourning The Loss Of A Friend

Published: February 20, 2025

I am a believer. I am struggling with the death of a loved one, (untimely and tragic….aged 20). Over a year has passed. Job chapter 3, verse 3, would sum up my feelings, as well as my thoughts. Any Information that you may have to offer in your capacity as a bible teacher would be much appreciated. Thanks.


Pray Without Ceasing

Published: February 20, 2025

Thank you so much for this website. I really appreciate the opportunity to ask Bible-based questions!

My question is about the manner I assume for prayer. Sometimes I have a quiet time put aside for prayer. Other times, I pray while I am doing other “light” things, such as showering or housework. Occasionally I wonder if this is being disrespectful to God or I am just being old-fashioned? Do you have any thoughts or opinions on this?

Are Lucifer And Satan The Same?

Published: February 19, 2025

Can you help me with the following question, who is Lucifer or Satan, can you provide me a biblical understanding? I was reading an article and it said Lucifer was only mentioned one time in the Bible but we seem to glean that he and Satan are one in the same?

Does God Hear The Sinner’s Prayer?

Published: February 19, 2025

If the Bible says in John 9:31 that Gods does not hear sinners then where does it say that He hears our prayer for forgiveness and acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior?


When Is Lying Not A Sin?

Published: February 19, 2025

While discussing the Bible with an Atheist, we were on the topic of sin. I explained how thru Adam, we inherited sin which my Atheist friend had some difficulty with. She felt that there are times when we have no choice but to sin. I asked her to give me an example, this is what she offered.

If a family, during WWII, was to hide a Jewish family from Nazi soldiers, and when asked by those Nazi soldiers if they know of any Jews around, and the family says no, did they lie? Would that be considered a sin since they were protecting the lives of the Jewish family? Would that family have to repent? My Atheist friend thinks this is a good example of a situation where doing the right thing should not be considered a sin, thus, there are gray areas to God’s commandments. How would you respond to this example?

Opposing Prayers

Published: February 18, 2025

Thank you so much for your site. Your insight and teaching are invaluable to me.

My question regards the concept of that which any two men agree upon will be done in heaven–what if two men agree on one thing and two other men agree on the opposite? Lots of people believe lots of things and most don’t match up, I’ve noticed.