It didn’t take long for Nathan’s prophecy about my family to start coming true. Remember, the Lord had Nathan tell me that as a consequence of my sin with Bathsheba calamity would come out of my own household. (Warning: Content may not be appropriate for all ages!)
Read MoreToday's Bible Q&A
Should We Spend All Our Time Confessing?
I have a question about confessing our sins. Since the Bible says that anything that is not of faith is sin, it would seem that we sin oftentimes without even realizing that we’re sinning. And it would seem that we’re in sin more than we’re out of sin. With that in mind, we’d have to spend almost every waking moment confessing our sins in order to be back in fellowship with God on a continual basis. Do you think God really wants us to spend that much time confessing sins?
Do It Now!
I was reading in the gospel of Luke this morning and have a question for you. In Luke 13:4 Jesus speaks of the tower of Siloam falling and killing 18 people. I had never heard of that before. Can you elaborate on this subject for me if you have time?
A Question About Predestination
In Ephesians 1:5 Paul writes, “Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.” Now I understand that every time we see predestined in the scriptures, it is talking about foreknowing. So, this means God knew us before we were born and knew how we would respond to His plan of salvation. I understand that God did not create us to accept, nor did He create some not to accept, He just knew who would accept. My question is, knowing who would accept and who wouldn’t, why did he create those that He knew wouldn’t?