Impossible goals can be brought into perspective through faith.
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Tips on Evangelizing
I was recently talking to someone I know about Christianity and my friend said to me that he can’t keep up with all these made up things from Santa Claus to the Easter bunny and even the tooth fairy. How do I respond to this? How can I show Jesus to be the one true thing in all this?
Is Jesus In Physical Or Spiritual Form?
The Bible tells us that Jesus appeared to many people after his resurrection. Thomas touched his body and Jesus ate fish with his followers. Obviously, it was a physical body. In what state did the Lord Jesus ascend to Heaven to be seated at the right hand of God the Father, physical or spiritual, and in what state is he in now as far as his body is concerned?
Physical Death And Spiritual Death
Concerning the fate of the lost: Punishment does not mean the same as punishing. If one is burned up and ceases to be, the punishment is eternal. If the burning was to go on for that individual forever, would it not be called “eternal punishing? The death penalty is different from life imprisonment with no parole. It has been said that Adam was created with eternal life but lost it for all of us. Since then, all humans are born with a body and soul but have to believe (born again) in order to receive eternal life. How then can the unsaved then live forever?