Ask a Bible Teacher

Interpreting Mark 10

Published: February 2, 2007

Thank you for answering our questions. I am currently involved in a bible study. We are reading the book of Mark and last week we read chapter 10 which speaks on divorce. We had varied opinions on Gods view and our responsibility as Christians. I would like to know how you interpret the subject?

The Holy Spirit And The Rapture

Published: February 2, 2007

Thanks for your time in reviewing my question. I am wondering, are there verses in the bible that support the idea that the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth before the tribulation? It was explained to me that this was evidence for the belief that the rapture would occur before the tribulation (dispensational premillenialism).

National ID

Published: February 2, 2007

I am very concerned about this ID card which I’ve heard will be instituted by May 2008. If not signed I’ve heard a person cannot enter a federal building, get a driver’s license, get a bank account, travel on a plane and probably other things I don’t know about. I realize this is not a “chip” but as Christians are we to agree to utilize this ID card when we are told to get one by the government?

Children In The Kingdom

Published: February 2, 2007

I believe as you that infants and children who have not reached the age of accountability at the time of the Rapture will be raptured. However, since all adults who have been raptured will serve during the Millennial Reign of Christ on earth in our new glorified bodies, then what will happen to the infants and children? I would imagine that glorified bodies will not grow, therefore how will these raptured babies and infants be able to serve during that time, or in what form will they exist?

I realize your answer will be speculation, as I don’t know of any scripture that would answer this question. It’s just one of those things that came across my mind, but obviously, isn’t deemed very important by God for us to know until the proper time.

Confusion About The Jews

Published: February 1, 2007

I think there is a great deal of confusion on this subject of the Jews. It is my understanding that since the Jews didn’t accept Jesus, Salvation went to the Gentiles. The Bible says they were Spiritually Blinded, so they rejected Jesus. Now, after the Gentiles get the full number of people saved (the number God wants) Salvation will come to the Jews through revelation that Jesus is the Christ. (I don’t know if you agree with all this).

Anyway, I understand the 144,000 Jews will be the witnesses after the rapture. Well, my question is what about the Jews who died already? Say Just yesterday? They didn’t accept Jesus, and Jesus said he is the only way in John 14:6. Jesus also said, you are for or against me. Are they “Not guilty” of rejecting Christ because they were blinded by God?

Also I read things like Gal 3, says there is no more Jew or Gentile, man or women, all one in Christ. And also that Gal 3:10, those under the law, are under a curse. When Jesus called the temples “My fathers house”, but a while later, he called it “Your house” to the Jews.

I understand in the Old Testament, people were saved by faith. But are Jews holy enough to be saved by God directly? Jesus said no man comes to the father except through him.

What’s Next In The End Times Scenario?

Published: February 1, 2007

From my reading and watching current events unfold before our eyes I am a little confused as to what we are to be looking for next and the purpose of these events.

It seems like everyone is looking at the Middle East and wondering if it is the set up for the Gog-Magog battle in Ezekiel. What is the purpose of this battle? Is it for Israel to be left alone to fight the battle and the Lord wipes out their enemies? Is this a precursor for Armaggedon or is that something else? It is at the end of the Battle of Armaggedon that Jesus comes back (2nd coming)?

I am also wondering about the speculation about Isaiah 17 and the destruction of Damascus. How does this all fit into the end time scenario?

God The Killer?

Published: January 29, 2007

Why does GOD kill people in the Bible for such trivial and unfair reasons? for example Nadab and Abihu were struck down dead by GOD with fire from heaven for burning strange incense without his permission. Then there is the story of GOD killing 70,000 people because David conducted a census improperly which angered the Lord,why kill the people when it was David who caused GOD anger? then finally we have GOD killing Pharoahs son and the first born of Egypt including the first born of animals that’s something the members of PETA would find “most disturbing” what did the animals do to deserve this they had nothing to do with what was going on between GOD and Pharoah? and neither did Pharoah son? why kill his son when it was Pharoah who was disobeying GOD plus I noticed that in many of the encounters between Pharoah and Moses GOD told Moses he would “HARDEN” Pharoahs heart so he would “NOT OBEY” the Lord’s command to release his people so that he could show his power. So if GOD is purposely causing Pharoah to disobey by “hardening” his heart what’s the reason for tormenting everyone with plaques,locust and death?

My Buddhist Relatives

Published: January 29, 2007

Coming from an eastern country, my Buddhist relatives asked me (a Christian) to take them to the temple for prayer. Is it proper for me to oblige or to reject?

Questions On The Preterist View

Published: January 28, 2007

I am a premillennialist and recently heard about the preterist view of Matthew 24 and Revelation and have two questions in which I was hoping to receive answers.

[1] Meaning of word “world”. Preterists argue that the Greek word for the entire globe, Kosmos, is not used in end-times prophecies such as Matthew 24 and Revelation 16. They claim that instead, the word “Oikoumene” was used and referred the Roman Empire. Thus, they point to AD 70 as Armageddon and the judgments leading up to it as only local events involving Israel and the Roman nations.

[2] The phrase “This generation” in Matthew 24: Preterists claim that Matthew 24:34 is the only place in the Bible where the term “this generation” did not refer to the actual audience at that time. Why would Jesus not specify a future generation by using a word such as “that” instead of this?

Thank you and I love your site!

Is Yoga Harmful?

Published: January 27, 2007

My friends have the feeling that yoga is some type of anti-religious activity.I find it to be excellent exercise and a pure and good way to stretch and relax. Have you ever heard of yoga being negative as a Christian activity?