Ask a Bible Teacher

Comment On Luke 13:24-28

Published: December 6, 2006

Thank you very much for your web site. You are truly blessed and you really bless me. Would you please comment on Luke 13: 24-28? I have heard some far-out stuff and would like your opinion.

Is Jesus OK With A Christmas Tree?

Published: December 6, 2006

My family and I have been growing in God’s Word so much since we have stopped relying solely on a one hour Sunday sermon and started reading the Bible for ourselves. In no small way, you and your website have played a key role in this. No longer do we just follow what the Pastor or other religious figure has to say without comparing it to God’s true word.

In doing so, we have become very confused in some of the old customs that we grew up with. You may have touched on this before, if so; I apologize. We used to be BIG Christmas-time people, enjoying all of the traditional customs. After reading Jeremiah 10:1-5 (King James Version), we are not even sure if we want to continue with the Christmas tree, let alone many of the other traditions like giving Santa Claus too much credit to our kids. We must admit that finding out that December 25th was not the actual birth date of Jesus really burst our bubble, although your piece entitled “What Really Happened at Christmas” helped us realize that celebrating the Light of the World being conceived would be just as important.

Our question is this: Do we still put up a Christmas tree, decorate it with silver and gold, etc. along with all the other customs and if not, why do so many churches still do this and most do not even teach the truth about Christ’s birth? I’m not saying they are hiding it, but shouldn’t things like this be at the forefront of their teaching?

Divorce Question Follow up

Published: December 6, 2006

In response to ‘ a divorce question’ I have always believed that God looks unfavorably on the breaking of covenants.

Even though His people ‘Israel’ committed spiritual adultery many times God remained faithful and sought reconciliation. Shouldn’t we follow His example? At what point do we stop praying and waiting for healing to take place, when God’s own example shows him continually waiting for the return of his beloved people? By nature of the covenant relationship I thought we were ‘married for ever’ in the eyes of God even if our partner should choose to leave.

There are some teachers that believe the word used for adultery in Matt. 5:32 doesn’t mean marital unfaithfulness, but refers to some other form of illicit sexual activity like incest, therefore suggesting that our Lord is forbidding divorce even when adultery has taken place.

Doesn’t God show us the ultimate act of mercy in waiting, in the story of the Prodigal Son and in the book of Hosea?

What Is The Emergent Church?

Published: December 5, 2006

You already know just how much I enjoy your site, your articles and just your love of Jesus. So, I will not bore you with my gratitude and thankfulness at the opportunities you afford us.

I do have a question though which I know nothing about and would enjoy your response. The other day, on the radio, I heard a quite passionate denial of the value of (a famous author’s) work and the “Emerging Church” ( I am not sure of the spelling).

Because I did not know what it was, I asked around and some said that in the doctrine of this church they taught that since no one could understand the Bible that you could believe whatever your heart led you to believe. I could hardly believe this and so wanted to get your response. You have always been so faithful to answer my questions in the past that I am just going to thank you in advance and tell you that I pray God will continue to bless you in every way.

Attack Of The Wild Animals

Published: December 3, 2006

Is there a place in the Bible that tells about the wild beasts and animals, that in the last days, they turn on people? I thought I read that but I can’t seem to find it any where.

We all at our home really look forward to your articles and check on you every day. You have given us many good topics for our church meetings. Thank you so much and The Lord Bless you greatly.

Will We Know Each Other?

Published: December 1, 2006

Are there any scripture passages that state we will know one another in heaven, IE loved ones?

Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen

Published: November 30, 2006

Re: “Many are called but few are chosen.” What exactly does this mean? I’m afraid that I won’t make it if only a few are going to Heaven.

False Doctrine In Our Time

Published: November 30, 2006

I was reading the Bible and I stumbled onto Matthew 24:4-5.

“Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.”

Am I right to interpret the fact that Jesus said “many will come in my name” as fellow Christians? That people who are supposedly followers of Christ will be part of the ones who will deceive many especially in the end times?

I find this prophecy very parallel to the whole New Age belief where even Christian teachers are teaching doctrines like Jesus is one of the many ways to heaven, but not the only way. That view, although more tolerant, is not biblical and compromises the very core of Christian doctrine.

I’d appreciate any insight you can give me. Thanks!

The Last Trumpet

Published: November 30, 2006

I want to thank you for your web-site as it has been an immense help to me. I was wondering if you could go into more detail about defending the pre-trib rapture against those who want to throw up the last trump defense. I’ve seen you touch on it and I’ve read a good rebuttal somewhere in the past but I can’t for the life of me remember what all it included. In summary, in 1 Cor. 15:52 is this last trumpet the same as in Rev.11:15? Thank you and may God bless your ministry.

Jeremiah 16:14-16

Published: November 30, 2006

In Jeremiah 16:14-16, God the Father speaks of the regathering of Israel “a second time.” In verse 16, the Lord states “I am about to send for many fishermen… Then I will send for many hunters…”

What are your thoughts on this intriguing Scripture?