Paul’s letter to the Colossians is a rebuttal to the Gnostic Error, a first century heresy that was already evident in the church in 60 AD when the letter was written, and is still with us today.
Paul’s letter to the Colossians is a rebuttal to the Gnostic Error, a first century heresy that was already evident in the church in 60 AD when the letter was written, and is still with us today. Chapter one introduces the pre-emminent Christ, all God and all man.
Chapter 2 continues with Paul’s argument against Gnosticism, warning us not to be taken captive by hollow and deceptive philosophies, and showing us how God turned what Satan thought would be his greatest victory into his ultimate defeat.
Chapter three contains instructions for living our lives in the manner God intends for us. We’ve been raised with Him and our lives are hidden in Him. What do we do now?
In this study we’ll conclude our study of Paul’s letter to the Colossians and take a look at his fascinating letter to Philemon, a leader of the church in Colosse. This model of intercession on behalf of the run away slave Onesimus has been called the application of the highest principles to the most common affairs.