How to sponsor a gift this Christmas 2024

It’s time for our favorite outreach giving all year. I’m so excited to share our Christmas gift-giving opportunities with you! Every year, our group joins together to sponsor meals and gifts for those the Lord has brought to us. Christmas is the perfect time of year to show people the Lord has not forgotten them. ♥ Even when we are forgotten by society or family, Jesus doesn’t forget us. And He relies on us to bring His love and provision to those in need. It’s such a wonderful thing to be a part of! So let’s begin!
Join us in giving gifts to kids in need this Christmas
This year we made a special form below to make it easy to sponsor a gift for a kid in need this Christmas! (You can also mail a check! Just write on the check, or email me, with the outreach you are giving to.)
To sponsor one of our kids in Mexico
This year, we’d love to give each of the kids we serve a warm blanket. We’ve already had a few storms, and it’s been getting cold at night! The moms have said the biggest need this year is warm blankets.
We have 95 kids in our area who would love to be sponsored this Christmas. We will match you up with one of our kids, send you their picture, and purchase their blanket with the funds you send.
⇒ For $30 USD, you can sponsor a gift for one of our kids in Mexico.
(I always want to follow as the Lord leads, if you feel led to give something specific instead of a blanket, contact me and I can help it happen!)
To sponsor one of our kids in India
We have three groups here! Two are in very persecuted areas that we can’t share publicly for their safety. And the other is the one you see each week in our outreaches!
For the kids in our churches in persecuted areas, keeping families warm at night is still the biggest priority. We’d love to have a fellowship meal together and give each child a blanket.
⇒ $20 USD will give a blanket and a meal to a child.
In the area you see each week, we’d love to gift each child an article of clothing and a hot meal together.
⇒ $20 USD will give clothing and a meal to a child.
Use this form below to sponsor one of our kids this Christmas!
Thank you for joining us for Christmas!
Lives are forever changed because of your generosity and thoughtfulness. Each gift is a reminder that they are known and loved. Thank you for joining with us in this important, holy act this Christmas season.
May the Lord bless you abundantly and may your hearts be filled with joy as you watch your gifts be multiplied and the seeds you sow grow.
With much love and gratitude,
Samantha ♥
A couple of years ago I wrote a detailed post on our outreach areas. You can see it here for some fun background info on our outreaches!