Prophecy in the Headlines April 20, 2017

** We paused the headlines for the holidays. And it’s been increasingly difficult to get them started back up again. There are fewer and fewer reliable news sources, and even the more reliable ones need to be fact checked constantly. If we find a good way to do this, we’ll start them up again.

Many have written to me feeling overwhelmed by what’s happening in the world, and how fearful they are while reading the headlines. I stumbled across this Q&A from Jack that is great counsel: Staying Positive in a Negative World.

To be encouraged and see some of what’s good in the world, head over to our blog where I post photos of our outreaches each week, along with the recap of all the featured posts.

If you need prayer or have questions or suggestions, fill out our contact form.

God bless you!




In Matt. 24:4-11, Mark 13:5-8, and Luke 21:8-11 Jesus identified a number of signs that would point to the approaching end of the age. He specifically named false messiahs, wars and rumors of war, famines, earthquakes, pestilence, persecution, apostasy, false prophets and signs from heaven.  Some of these will appear sooner than others but as the end approaches we’ll see more of them and they’ll appear more frequently and with greater intensity.

Here is a sampling of headlines appearing around the world that reveal some of these Signs Of The Times in today’s news reports. We try to choose stories your nightly newscasters aren’t covering but that show the direction the world is heading.

Click on the headline to read the complete article.