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Nero As The Anti-Christ
Published: September 21, 2016 (Originally published: September 14, 2014)On TV I was watching a show about the book of Revelation. The show said that some people think that 666 was in reference to King Nero because a combination of Nero’s name and title adds up to 666 in a certain Hebrew alphabet. And also that during that time that Nero was referred to as “the beast.” Could you explain why this is incorrect and just coincidence?
Was Paul The 13th Apostle?
Published: September 21, 2016 (Originally published: September 14, 2014)We had a discussion in Bible class this morning concerning the Apostle Matthias. Most of the students (as well as the teacher) think that the decision to chose Matthias to replace Judas was incorrect. The basis for their opinion is that so little is known about him and he is never mentioned again in Scripture. Also, the fact that Paul came after Matthias, which would make Paul the 13th Apostle. What do you think?
Did Adam Have A Previous Wife?
Published: October 9, 2016 (Originally published: September 15, 2014)I’ve heard various arguments that there were two creations and that Adam had another wife before Eve. I don’t believe that. I believe that Genesis 2 simply details the creation of Adam and Eve. Would you agree? Or do you have additional feedback?
Die Or Not Die? Which Is It?
Published: September 21, 2016 (Originally published: September 16, 2014)In John 11:26 Jesus said “And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die”. But in 1 Thes. 4:16 Paul said at the rapture the dead in Christ will rise first. This seems like a contradiction to me. Do we die or not die?
Who Is In Charge Here?
Published: September 21, 2016 (Originally published: September 17, 2014)Please help me to understand the following. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, they legally gave the earth over to Satan, right? So, all throughout the years until the Lord gave Himself on the cross and rose from the dead, was Satan the real owner of planet earth, instead of God? How could God not own the earth? It seems incredible. It seems King Jesus bought the earth back somehow, with His blood, but Satan is still ruling it or something. Is there any more about this you think I should know?
Submitting To Government Authorities
Published: September 21, 2016 (Originally published: September 19, 2014)When referring to Romans 13, which talks about submitting to governing authorities, does that mean the government has the right to control people’s lives? I know there are countries like China and North Korea that often seem to do that. This has happened throughout the Roman Empire in medieval times. When properly understood how authority works, how do we apply it to Biblical scripture?
Is There Anyone In Heaven Or Hell?
Published: September 21, 2016 (Originally published: September 20, 2014)My friend has a new pastor who commented that currently there is no one (believer/unbeliever) in Heaven or Hell. He also believes that there are 3 raptures. I know what I believe, but how would you respond?
Why Did John Baptize People?
Published: September 19, 2016 (Originally published: September 15, 2013)I was wondering why, seeing as baptism was not performed in Old Testament times, John the baptist started to baptize people to symbolize their repentance. I know in the New Testament Jesus instructs people to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but John came before Jesus.
Published: September 19, 2016 (Originally published: September 16, 2013)I just read about something called “Transdispensationalism”. Have you heard of it? It can sound convincing to those of us who see our Heavenly Father as loving and desiring that none be lost. I trust your opinion and all scripture that will apply.
Blessed Are those Who Have Not Seen And Yet Have Believed.
Published: September 21, 2016 (Originally published: September 20, 2014)I firmly hold and believe that pre-trib is both correct and the only accurate biblical position for the rapture. However, I have a hard time coming to terms with believers after the rapture experiencing God’s wrath along with the world. I know they are tribulation saints but am I missing something?