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Three Boys in the Fiery Furnace
Published: July 2, 2003 (Originally published: July 2, 2003)Another case where events from Israel's past foretell the future of the world.
Water into Wine
Published: August 5, 2016 (Originally published: July 2, 2003)Some call it a magic trick, to others it was a casual favor to a friend, but to John it was the way in which Jesus showed forth His glory.
We Three Kings of Orient Are
Published: December 21, 2013 (Originally published: July 2, 2003)So once again it's proven true: the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.
What Does The Bible Say? Part 3, Our Security In Christ
Published: February 9, 2014 (Originally published: January 25, 2014)How do you become unborn? The case for eternal security.
Easter 2002
Published: June 30, 2003 (Originally published: June 30, 2003)For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.
1 Cor 5:7
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same
Published: December 29, 2013 (Originally published: December 28, 2013)Commentary by Jack Kelley
On the night Jesus was born, the Parthians (remnant of Persia and forerunners of today’s Iran) and the Romans (forerunners of the End Times Kingdom of the anti-Christ) were at odds with each other. The Syrians didn’t like the Jews and had tried unsuccessfully to conquer them,
Who’s Laughing Now?
Published: August 5, 2014 (Originally published: April 15, 2006)It used to be that the world laughed at Christians for our beliefs. Now I think it's time to return the favor. I say that because it's utterly laughable what non-believers are running after in their increasingly futile effort to deny the existence of God.
A Cup of Trembling
Published: December 11, 2011 (Originally published: December 10, 2011)"I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling."
A Land of Unwalled Villages
Published: June 27, 2010 (Originally published: June 26, 2010)You will say, "I will invade a land of unwalled villages, I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people – all of them living without gates and bars."
-Ezek. 38:11
-Ezek. 38:11
Israel Against the World?
Published: June 30, 2003 (Originally published: June 30, 2003)Your covenant with death will be annulled;
your agreement with the grave will not stand. Isaiah 28:18