Psalm 29

Ascribe to the LORD, O mighty ones, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.

The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the LORD thunders over the mighty waters. The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is majestic. The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars; the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox. The voice of the LORD strikes with flashes of lightning. The voice of the LORD shakes the desert; the LORD shakes the Desert of Kadesh. The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, “Glory!”

The LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD is enthroned as King forever. The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.

This psalm is devoted to the Glory of God, His power and majesty. At the sound of His voice, huge trees snap into pieces, lightning flashes, and the mountains and deserts shake.

But have you ever noticed His hand in the little things as well?  Say you’re late for a meeting, the location is crowded and not a parking place in sight. You shoot up a quick prayer and suddenly a car pulls out ahead leaving you a space.  Or a person with whom you’ve had contentious dealings suddenly has a complete change of heart toward you following your prayers.  A file re-appears after you mistakenly deleted it. Or, having to shut the computer down after it locked up with a file still open and thinking you had lost hours of work, you re-boot only to find it still there.  All these things have happened for me.  Just because I asked.

George Mueller was a pastor from Bristol, England over 100 years ago.  He wrote an autobiography about his experiences with God in a faith ministry. After being installed as a congregation’s pastor he eliminated the collection in favor of boxes in the back of the church where people could voluntarily put their tithes and offerings. He wouldn’t permit the church’s elders to publicize their needs for fear of causing parishioners to give for the wrong motives. They prayed for the things they needed and waited for the Lord to prompt the people to give. The elders were skeptical at first, but soon learned that the Lord always provided the money to meet their needs.  He started first one then a whole network of orphanages without any seed money or reserves, trusting fully on God for their daily provision. He told of numerous occasions where bread and milk needed for breakfast miraculously arrived on their doorsteps just as the children were coming down the stairs to eat.

Yes, our God is an awesome God, great in majesty and mighty in power. But He also wants to be there for us in the little things. James, the brother of Jesus, told us, “You do not have, because you do not ask God.” (James 4:2). Want a better week? Try being less independent and becoming more dependent upon Him. Start asking Him for the little stuff. A word of advice when you do. Carry a little notebook around to record all the prayers He answers, otherwise you won’t be able to remember them all.