
Psalm 41

Published: September 5, 2024 (Originally published: December 7, 2010)
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes. The LORD will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness.

You Are But Tenants in the Land

Published: November 21, 2010 (Originally published: November 20, 2010)
The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants. Leviticus 25:23

Psalm 30

Published: August 20, 2024 (Originally published: September 14, 2010)
I will exalt you, O LORD, for you lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me. O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me. O LORD, you brought me up from the grave; you spared me from going down into the pit.

Psalm 26

Published: August 14, 2024 (Originally published: August 17, 2010)
Vindicate me, O LORD, for I have led a blameless life; I have trusted in the LORD without wavering. Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind, for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.

Psalm 25

Published: August 13, 2024 (Originally published: August 10, 2010)
To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me. No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse.

Psalm 24

Published: August 12, 2024 (Originally published: August 3, 2010)
The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.

Psalm 22

Published: August 8, 2024 (Originally published: July 20, 2010)
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, and am not silent. Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the praise of Israel.

A Land of Unwalled Villages

Published: June 27, 2010 (Originally published: June 26, 2010)
You will say, "I will invade a land of unwalled villages, I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people – all of them living without gates and bars."
-Ezek. 38:11

Psalm 19:1-6

Published: August 2, 2024 (Originally published: June 22, 2010)
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.

Why The Rebirth Of Israel Is A Sign Of The End

Published: June 20, 2010 (Originally published: June 19, 2010)
Students of prophecy often identify the Lesson of the Fig Tree in Matt. 24 as a reference to Israel. While the fig tree is sometimes used to symbolize Israel, this is not one of those times.