
Messianic Prophecy In The Old Testament

Published: December 6, 2023 (Originally published: December 9, 2015)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

In the time after their sin and expulsion from the Garden Adam and Eve must have felt incredible despair. They had experienced life both before and after the curse, the only ones to do so, and had first-hand knowledge of the difference.

Malachi Speaks Again. Part 4, Conclusion

Published: November 15, 2023 (Originally published: July 6, 2013)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

In the Christian Bible, the concluding chapter in the Book of Malachi contains the final words of the Old Testament. It would be 400 years before God spoke to Israel again and then His purpose would be to announce the birth of the Messiah.

The Year of Jubilee

Published: October 23, 2023 (Originally published: July 2, 2003)
An incredible law of God that is never kept.

The Feast Of Tabernacles: Feast of Booths: Sukkot

Published: October 18, 2023 (Originally published: September 26, 2015)

Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year.  Eat the tithe of your grain, new wine and olive oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks in the presence of the Lord your God at the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name, 

The Feast of Tabernacles

Published: October 16, 2023 (Originally published: July 2, 2003)
If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink. -John 7:37

The End Times According To Isaiah, Part 3

Published: August 21, 2023 (Originally published: January 17, 2009)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

The next view Isaiah gave us of the End times is found in chapters 11-12 and concerns the Messiah.

Isaiah 11, The Branch From Jesse

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.

The Covenant Relationship

Published: August 9, 2023 (Originally published: February 10, 2016)
And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt. (1 Samuel 18:3-4)

The Epistle To The Hebrews, Part 9 Conclusion

Published: July 19, 2023 (Originally published: January 12, 2008)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

Even the short summary of the impact people of great faith have had on mankind makes Hebrews 11 one of the most encouraging chapters in the entire Bible. Would that each of us could manifest that kind of faith in our lives.

The Epistle To The Hebrews, Part 8

Published: July 17, 2023 (Originally published: January 5, 2008)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

The overarching principle of the Epistle to the Hebrews is that our position before God is based on our belief that the once-for-all-time sacrifice of our Great High Priest was sufficient for our salvation. Some have said that this letter can be seen as a commentary on Habakkuk 2:4 “The just shall live by faith.”

The Epistle To The Hebrews Part 6

Published: July 10, 2023 (Originally published: December 8, 2007)
Levitical priests were sinners themselves and had to keep offering sacrifices day after day and year after year, and then they died and another one took their place to do the same thing all over again. We need a high priest who isn't a sinner, who only needs to offer one sacrifice, who lives forever and can save us forever.