Ask a Bible Teacher

Giving To Get?

Published: April 29, 2024

At our church, Malachi 3:10 is often quoted when they talk about giving. If they would just say that you are to give 10% and let it go, I would be ok, but they quote Mal. 3: v10 and say test God and see if the floodgates will not be opened. I think I have tested God and in my opinion, the floodgates have not been opened. I understand that you are supposed to give out of gratitude for what God has done for you and not because of what you will get from God. My question is, why do churches use Mal. 3 v10 as a tool for encouraging people to give?

Where Do We Go After Death?

Published: April 29, 2024

I read that one remains in the grave until the rapture. If this is so why did Jesus say to the robber – today you will be with me in paradise? Is paradise another place? And when the poor man died he went to a place where Abraham was and they were talking and so on?

How Long Did The Jews Suffer In Egypt?

Published: April 26, 2024

In my weekly bible study class, we were told the Jews were only in Egypt for 210 years and of that time only 80 some years were in hard labor, not the 400 years as I had always been taught. Is this correct?


Where Was Daniel?

Published: April 26, 2024

As we all know that Daniel and his three friends were recruited and lived under the same Babylonian empire of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 1:17-20; 2:17-19), why was Daniel not a part of the pack who defied the king’s command to worship the golden statue (Daniel 3:8-18). When they were thrown into the fire, what was Daniel doing who was also living as a ruler and the chief administrator over all the whole province of Babylon (Daniel 2:47-48)? Was it because of his position of rulership along with the king that he was excluded and thus was not compelled to worship the golden Idol?

Jews, Christians And The Cross

Published: April 26, 2024

Did early Christians/Jews use the cross before Jesus died?

A 3rd View of Hebrews 6?

Published: April 25, 2024

I wonder if you have ever run across any teaching on eternal security that takes what’s called a “3rd view”, as distinct from both loss of salvation and OSAS.

One teacher, in particular, uses Hebrews 6 to point to the fact that IF we can be categorized as having tasted of the good things of the Lord, and then become, by choice, apostate, God is not going to take us to live forever with him because He honors our right to choose – not because we need to be punished.

Do you see any circumstances under which having once been saved, we can go to a lost eternity? How do you feel about God taking us to Himself “against our will”? Any enlightened person would not choose to go to hell!!

More On Bible Translations

Published: April 25, 2024

I saw your answer concerning various Bible translations and I have a question to add to it.

Romans 8:1 in the KJV says “there is no condemnation…for those who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit”.

The NIV leaves out, although there is a footnote, “that walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit”. There are other places where the NIV leaves out portions of scripture but has a similar footnote. some claim this is a good reason to avoid the NIV.

I like the NIV and read it frequently, and will continue to do so. But why did the translators publish the NIV this way? is it unethical, or intellectually dishonest?

Was The Lord Condoning Self Defense?

Published: April 25, 2024

Re Luke 22:36: “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one

Would you please explain this verse about buying a sword? Is Jesus condoning self-defense?

Signs And Wonders

Published: April 24, 2024

There is a movie circulating around the charismatic community that primarily highlights the workings of charismatic faith healers throughout the world.

I have read about the risks of the signs and wonders movement bringing the church toward a dangerous new age philosophy. However, thousands are being brought to Christ in Asia and Africa through transforming miracles.

The film states the purpose of the signs and wonders are to bring intellectually stagnant, skeptics, and doubters to more of a child-like belief and faith of which Christ teaches. These people appear to be tapping into the power of the Holy Spirit with the end goal to live a life like Christ’s. If so many are being brought to Christ then how can this be a bad thing?

Praying For The Peace Of Jerusalem

Published: April 24, 2024

When reading your article “The End times According to Isaiah, Part 12” I was struck by the message for today-that we are to pray for peace in Israel. How do we do this? We know that there will be no peace in Israel until the Lord comes. God has told us that the times for Israel are going to get quite bad. I would like to pray for Israel but I don’t know how to go about it. How do I pray for peace when God has already said there will be no peace? Could you share with me how you pray for Israel?