All Prophecies Fulfilled?


I also believe that all prophesies in the Bible either have been or will be fulfilled. In your article “Failed Prophecies Of The Bible?”, you say, “…… but the land of Egypt has not yet lain desolate for 40 years…….The prophecy has not failed.” So …. if the fulfillment of all prophesies should occur by the Second Coming, when do you think the 40 desolate years occur? Thanks again for your dedication to correctly dividing the Word of truth and sharing it with us.


All prophecy doesn’t have to be fulfilled before 2037, just all “End Times” Prophecy. There’s a number of Millennial prophecies to be fulfilled as well such as all of Ezekiel 40-48. Egypt’s 40 year desolation most likely happens during the Millennium, perhaps in conjunction with Zech. 14:18-19. If the Egyptian people do not go up and take part, they will have no rain. The LORD will bring on them the plague he inflicts on the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. This will be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.