Do The Things You Did At First


I can look back over my Christian life and can see how much I’ve grown in my knowledge of scripture. But recently, I’ve noticed that there is something missing now. I prayed about it and God revealed that it is my intimacy with Him that’s missing. I can remember when I was younger in the faith and didn’t know as much as I have learned over the years, but I was so passionate and Christ felt as close as ever! Now I’m not even sure how to get that passion and intimacy back. It feels as if I’m at a standstill. I confess my sins daily. What do you think? How do I get that closeness back with my Savior?


This was the Lord’s complaint to the Church at Ephesus. In effect, He said they were so busy on the King’s business they no longer had time for the King. He cautioned them to do the things they did at first (Rev. 2:1-7). So what did we do at first? We worshiped the Lord, we studied His word, we had fellowship with other believers. All day and all night. We couldn’t get enough of Him. Trying making those things your priority again. James 4:8 says when we come near to God He will come near to us.