Does The Church Return With Jesus?


In one of your studies on the Rapture, you say that in Revelation 17:14, the Church returns with Jesus at the Second Coming because He is returning with His called, chosen and faithful followers, which can only be the Church. I can recall recently that you said that the Church will not accompany Jesus at the Second Coming because a Groom does not bring His Bride into battle. Could you clarify this?


What I said is consistent with the Book of Revelation. When Jesus comes back His Bride will be with Him, but we won’t accompany him into Battle because a husband does not take His bride into battle. If I go on a business trip and my wife accompanies me, it doesn’t mean she attends my meetings with me. It simply means she comes to the city where the meetings will be held with me. According to Rev. 17:14 the Church will accompany Jesus to Earth. But in Rev. 19 He goes to fight the final battle accompanied by the Armies of Heaven. They defeat the enemy forces, throw the anti-Christ and false prophet into the lake of fire and bind Satan. Then in Rev. 21, the New Jerusalem, Home of the Church, appears, having come to Earth with the Lord.