Glorified Bodies


First, I very much enjoy your answers and appreciate the time you spend composing them for us. As a scientist, I’m surrounded by staunch skeptics, agnostics, and fiery atheists all day everyday, and it is refreshing to see that many people out there have the same questions that I do and that there are answers to be found. I love the answers you give and hope you’ll continue.

My question is this:
Out of the words of just about every end times book or even the mouths of many end times scholars, I’m always hearing a lot about what our glorified bodies will be like or how we’ll know everything or how we’ll “travel at the speed of thought” through space and time or…etc.

Is all this just imagination and hopeful creative conjecture or is there some biblical basis for it? I wouldn’t be disappointed if it IS in fact imagination since if it is we’re likely underestimating its grandeur, but I would like to see where these people get their ideas – yourself included. All that I’ve found is that Christ, after His resurrection, came and went as he pleased, but I think I must be missing something somewhere.


The opinions about our post rapture capabilities come from several places. One is observing the Lord because we’re told that when He appears, we’ll be like He is. (1 John 3:2)

He did more than just come and go as He pleased, He entered locked and shuttered buildings, and seemed to appear and disappear at will, yet He was a tangible physical being. (Luke 24:36-43, John 20:19,26)

He seemed able to change His appearance and cover distance quickly (Mark 16:12), as if not bound by the constraints of time and gravity. (Acts 1:9)

Another place is by reading hints from scripture such as 1 Corinthians 13:12 where it says we’ll know fully as we are fully known, 1 Corinthians 15: 53 where it hints that all our imperfections will be corrected, and Isaiah 53:4 that speaks of healing all our infirmities.

Much of the rest is extrapolation from these hints, but you’re right. We may be grossly under estimating things. As Paul said, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)