Helping Unbelievers In My Family


My brother and his wife are not very well off and have begun remodeling their house on a pay as you go basis. Recently they discovered they are pregnant and at the rate they’re going the baby will come long before the remodeling is complete. Currently the house has only been gutted and would not be safe for a new born. I have some money I could give them so they could complete the house in time, but I don’t know what to do because they are confirmed unbelievers. Would God be pleased with me if I help them, or would it not be His will for me to do this?


Obviously you should pray about this before deciding. But in my opinion you’re demonstrating faith in action by offering to help them prepare for their baby. Action speaks much louder than words in demonstrating the Lord’s love. He will bless you for helping them even if they refuse to see what’s motivating you to do it. Jesus said we should love one another as He has loved us and that the world will know us by our love (John 13:34-35).