How Can We Be Like Them?


What can we learn from John’s letter to the Church of Philadelphia, in which he could find no fault with their mission or accomplishments? Of the seven churches mentioned early in Revelation, it seems odd to me that only one received such lavish praise without a single, even gentle, criticism. What can the church of today do to emulate that congregation?


The letter to the Church of Philadelphia appears in Revelation 3:7-13.

In reading it we can tell they did just what the Lord asked them to do, no more and no less, by remaining faithful to the Gospel even though they appeared weak in the eyes of the world.

He commended them for keeping His word and not denying His name, enduring their time in this world patiently and awaiting His promised return.

That’s all He requires of us (John 6:28-29). If He gives you the privilege of working with Him, He’ll prompt you and empower you. Without that there’s nothing you can do that’s of any value to the Kingdom (John 15:5)