Israel’s Second Re-Gathering


From reading in Isaiah, chapter 11 and 14, I have two questions. Isaiah 11:11-12, is this second time NOW (the first perhaps after the long Babylonian exile, then return and occupied during Jesus time)?

And again in Isaiah 14:1-2, is this also now and perhaps it is speaking of the Palestinians who cling to the house (or land) of Jacob, who will eventually become the servants of Israel?


Yes. The re-gathering that officially began in 1948 and continues is the 2nd one. It will be complete after the Battle of Ezekiel 38. The first was after the Babylonian captivity.

Isaiah 14:1-2 will find its ultimate fulfillment in the Millennium. For now it seems Israel has all it can handle just hanging on to the land it already has, but prophecies in Psalm 83 seem to indicate that a coming battle between Israel and its next door neighbors could change that to Israel’s advantage.