Listening Prayer


The leader of a Bible study I attend uses Listening Prayer exercises in our homework and in her presentations. I have had some major breakthroughs using this form of prayer and feel like I finally have a real two-way relationship with God by listening to Him at the end of my prayer. I ask Him to let me hear only His voice. I have tried to research Listening Prayer, but can’t find much about it. Is it a false teaching?



Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27) Prayer is meant to be communication and listening is one of its most important components.

Some people pray like managers firing off a “do list” to a subordinate. Others act like they’re phoning in an order for the things they want. Very few people ever stop to listen to what the Lord has to say, but those who do discover He is interested in our lives and has some good suggestions for helping us live more effectively.

People who speak against Listening Prayer don’t understand communications. Experts tell us that of all the time we spend communicating, speaking consumes 30%, reading 16%, writing 9% and the time spent listening is 45%, more than any other form. Some go as far as to say without listening there is no communication. If you want to communicate with God you must cultivate the ability to listen to Him.