Living Up To What We Are


Paul placed a lot of emphasis on the need for the old man/flesh/carnal man/self to be crucified. What is your take on this, knowing that whatever you yield your members to, his servant ye are, and more over shall we continue to sin because we are under grace?


Paul felt very strongly that we should strive to live up to what we’ve already attained (Phil. 3:16). Not to become worthy to receive or keep our salvation, but as a sign of our gratitude for having already been saved forever in spite of our unworthiness.

In 1 Cor. 10:23 he said, “Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible but not everything is constructive.” Just because we have the freedom to do something, doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for us to do. And having the freedom to do it gives us the freedom not to. We’re not under compulsion.

Living in a manner that pleases the One to whom we owe our eternal lives should always be our number one priority.