Maximum Trial Maximum Grace. Follow Up


In a recent answer (Maximum Trial, Maximum Grace) you wrote, “That doesn’t mean that we’ll be relieved of the consequences of our actions, but that God will make something good come out of it.”

Does that mean what you said a few times in your teachings, that God turns our lost battles into blessings? Does that mean that no matter how bad and huge my losses are, the Lord in His mercy is willing to make them the “beginning” of something so good what is able to richly negate, compensate them?


Yes. Romans 8:28 promises us that God is working everything together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purpose. That means everything. Even the bad things. We should expect to pay the earthly consequences for our sins. But once we confess and are forgiven, God will begin to work things around so that those very consequences will contain the seeds of blessing if we’ll look for them.