Psalm 118 And The Second Coming


In Matthew 23:39 and Luke 13:35 Jesus told the Pharisees that He would not return until He heard them say, ” Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.”  This statement appears to be a quote from Psalm 118.  I find this very interesting and wanted your thoughts.


It was Psalm 118 that got the Lord’s followers in trouble on the first Palm Sunday.  According to tradition Psalm 118 was reserved for the entry of the Messiah-King into Jerusalem, and by singing it the people were proclaiming Jesus to be the Messiah (Luke 19:37-38).

Having on every other occasion over the preceding 3 years discouraged them from doing so, this time he not only allowed it but told the officials who complained, “If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” (Luke 19:39-40).

It was the 483rd anniversary of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, and Jesus was presenting Himself to Israel as their King just like Daniel 9:24-27 had foretold.

They rejected Him and true to His prophecy in Luke 19:41-44,  the city was destroyed again 38 years later.  I believe He’ll present Himself once more  and this time they’ll accept Him, singing Psalm 118 as they do.