Python Spirit


I’ve been reading a lot about spiritual warfare. I’ve encountered something that I can’t make head or tails of and wanted to see what you think about it. Have you ever heard of a spirit called python? I’ve been looking at some other resources and have found out that it is also related to divination, and is also known as necromancer. My pastor had a dream where he encountered a spirit with the same name. I just wanted to know what you thought and what you may have found in the bible concerning this, thanks.


Although not mentioned by name in the Bible the python spirit is associated with the Oracle of Delphi. Apparently, the name comes from Pythia, the priestess of Apollo at Delphi. It was her job to let the people of Earth know what Apollo’s desires were. In effect, he was speaking through her. The practice of ventriloquism is said to have been derived from this.

This is the spirit thought to be speaking through the Philippian servant girl in Acts 16:16-18. The Romans outlawed visitations to the oracle at Delphi in the 4th Century.