Questions About Daniel’s “70 Weeks” Prophecy


Ive been checking out a website that contradicts the popular belief about the 70 weeks of Daniel. The teacher at this site says the “He” in the Daniel 9 24-27 is none other than Christ. He also says, “A careful study of Daniel’s prophecy of the seventieth week, clearly reveals 3 1/2 years have already been fulfilled by Jesus earthly ministry, thereby leaving only 3 1/2 years still future to be fulfilled.”

My question is where do prophecy teachers get the 7 year tribulation period from and where exactly does it say Israel will sign a peace treaty?


Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy is confusing in that each “week” in the prophecy is actually seven years long instead of seven days. But this person made it more so by violating a simple rule of grammar. He connected the pronoun “he” in Daniel 9: 27 to the Lord. Personal pronouns modify the closest previous noun. In this case it’s the “ruler (prince) who will come” in verse 26. That’s the anti-Christ, not the Lord. Verse 26 also says that after the 7 plus 62 weeks (69 weeks) the messiah would be cut off. This means to be executed. The Lord’s ministry was already over when He was crucified so it can’t be counted as part of the final week.

Finally, Daniel 9: 27 says the anti-Christ will confirm a covenant (treaty) with “the many”, which is a euphemism for Israel, that will last for one week. This is the final week in Daniel’s 70th Week prophecy. The fact that this hasn’t happened yet proves there are seven years left, not 3 1/2. In the middle of the final week he will set up the abomination that causes desolation. This was all confirmed by the Lord in Matt. 24:15 and Paul in 2 Thes. 2:4. Both passages speak of the abomination of desolation by the anti-Christ in agreement with Daniel 9:27. What some scholars call the 7 year tribulation period is more accurately known as Daniel’s 70th week.