Read Till He Speaks


I am a believer. I am eagerly looking forward to meeting the Lord in person, face to face.

Until that day arrives I am curious as to how to grow my relationship with the Lord. It appears that my communication with him is one way (me talking to, and listening for him). To date, (although I feel that I am listening) I have not heard anything but silence. Effective two-way communication seems to be essential in getting to know God. I don’t see any substitute. I am asking for help in this matter. I appreciate your time. Thanks.


Many years ago, as a new believer, I put the same question to my mentor in the faith.

“Open your Bible, and read till He speaks,” I was told.

I learned that “read till He speaks” means that as you’re reading, you may be prompted to stop and think about something you’ve just read. As you’re thinking, a deeper understanding of the passage or a personal application that relates to something you’re facing may come into your mind. By that you know He’s spoken. It’s a good way to practice listening for that “still, small voice.”