Was He Resurrected Or Not?


Re: Jerusalem Post article on the tomb of Jesus being discovered. I take God at his word-all the time. The fulfillment of prophecy also bolsters my faith. Learning to respond to the Holy Spirit’s leading has also bolstered my faith. Because the enemy will try to attack the believer’s faith with this supposed discovery could you give us some of your thoughts on this to use when fellow believers struggle with doubt.


I view this “discovery” the same way I view the claims made by evolutionists. Are we going to believe the eyewitness accounts as recorded by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, or the findings of unbelievers who come on the scene thousands of year after the fact? Disputing the truth of the gospel is nothing new, even within the Church, but the real issue is the authority of God’s word. Do we believe it’s a document we can trust or don’t we?

Paul said, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved” (Romans 10:9)

“And if Christ has not been raised your faith is futile and you are still in your sins” (1 Cor. 15:14).

It boils down to this. His resurrection is proof of ours. If He wasn’t then there’s no certainty that we will be.