The Lazarus Phenomenon


I just watched a program on (a major Christian cable network), called the Lazarus Phenomenon, I know that scripture says absent from the body present with the Lord, but could you explain what this is all about? Is it just an end times deception?


If the people who promote this idea are telling the truth and not just trying to make a lot of money by playing on people’s fears, then they’ve been duped by evil spirits.

If the Lord ever did take a born again pastor on a tour of Hell, it would be for the purpose of sending him out to convict unbelievers, not scaring believers into behaving better. No matter how heart warming the story is, or how much it seems to agree with the Bible, if there’s a shred of works based salvation in it then it has to be false. We’re saved because of what we believe not because of how we behave. (John 3:16)