The Lord’s Day, Or The Day Of The Lord?


As I was reading Revelation I came across the phrase the “Lord’s day” in Revelation 1:10. I thought that when John says the “Lord’s day” in this particular verse he was referring to a day of the week, (Saturday? Sunday?). However, I read a commentary which said that John meant something else.

It said that “The Lord’s day” has nothing to do with a day of the week. Referring to Sunday as the Lord’s day only came into vogue many centuries later. No, the Lord’s day is the same as the “day of the Lord” and is one of the phrases used when talking of the Tribulation period or the time of the Last Days.

So which one is it? Is the “Lord’s day” a day of the week or does it mean that John was already in the future before he got to chapter 4 because I thought that John was only “transported” to the future in chapter 4.


I agree with the commentary. While John was “in the Spirit” (under the influence of the Holy Spirit) he was told to write about three categories of things; what he had seen, what is now, and what will take place later. (Rev. 1:19).

What he had seen was a vision of the Lord in all His Glory (Rev. 1:9-20). The things that are now are the 7 churches which are meant to symbolize the entire church age on Earth (Rev. 2-3). Then he was called up to Heaven to see the unfolding of end times events, things that will take place later (Rev. 4-22) during the period of time we know as the Day of the Lord.