Where’s The Repentance?


When I became a believer 5 years ago, I couldn’t find an appropriate church and so your site taught me most of what I know. I sincerely appreciate the effort you put into it. My question has to do with belief in Christ being all we need for salvation. My husband says he believes and has a clear understanding of Christ and God. He became a believer shortly after I did. He occasionally reads his Bible and listens to Christian music. However, I feel as though he is not repenting of certain sins. Don’t we need repentance as well?


To repent means to change your mind. When people change their minds about needing a savior and chooses to accept the pardon Jesus purchased for them with His life, they have repented.

You’re wondering why your husband hasn’t changed his behavior when all the Lord asked him to do was to change his belief. Believers experience behavioral changes at different times and in different ways. This is not evidence of their salvation. Be patient and keep praying.

Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” (John 6:28-29)