Christmas in India

This past week, just before Joel’s surgery, we held our Christmas celebration in India! We’re so grateful we were able to do this early and share this day with Joel before his operation. (You can see the updates here and here.) This tribe just learned about Jesus this year, so this is their first Christmas. We are so honored to share this with them.
The kids learned the whole Christmas story, and then acted it out! Beginning with Mary learning she was carrying our Lord, to the angels, the shepherds, and the magi, they acted it all out. There was even a newborn in the tribe to play the part of baby Jesus!
They had a Christmas feast together. They learned new songs and memory verses. And, since they’ve memorized the 10 commandments, they wanted to repeat them for everyone on the stage as well. We turned our little area into a beautiful, festive place.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support that made this happen. Here are some photos of the event:
Joel at the Church service before the party. So happy to be included!
Bringing gifts to the church
Preparing food for our Christmas dinner together
Setting up the space!
Sharing their first Christmas dinner!
Getting ready for the play!
They wanted festive costumes and we were given these hats! They loved having them all the same!
And gifts!
Some videos of the event:
Thank you so much for praying and being a part of this ministry! I’m so grateful!
Merry, Merry Christmas!
♥ Samantha